
Actions Would Mean More Than Words

When the Football Federation of Australia unveiled its Strategic plan for 2016-2019 this week the CEO, David Gallop was quoted as saying “Results at youth international level matter, but not as much as finding the next generation of stars to

Are The State Bodies Representing Everyone’s Best Interests?

The Board elections for the Football Federation of Australia next month have probably seen the most interest from the football community in the 11 years that the FFA have been in existence. Yet once again a lack of unity within

Podcast #7 – The Story Behind London’s Olympic Bid, plus discussion on other key issues in sport.

  Happy to be back with another podcast of Not The Footy Show. Only one guest this week, but for anyone who enjoys the Olympics a great insight into how the London bid was put together and how much work

Sitting it Out

In dancing parlance the Waltz is described ‘as a smooth, progressive ballroom and folk dance, performed primarily in closed position.’ Closed position means ‘dancing with a partner and where both parties hold each other while facing at least approximately toward each other.’

Socceroos Make a Stand

It is extremely unfortunate that the Socceroos first visit to Perth in ten years has now been hijacked by a dispute between the Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) and the Football Federation of Australia (FFA). Thursday’s game will be an historic