
Is Anyone Paying The Piper?

Talk to anyone who was in Tokyo and what they experienced was very different to what was shared with the World. One of the clearest things to come out of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games is that as

The Four Year Cycle, Is It Holding Sports Back?

Everyone knows that today sport is big business. The money tied up in sport is phenomenal, some would say obscene when you look at areas in our everyday lives that are desperate for money, education and health being two. To

A PRObable Record Breaker

This year has been a difficult one for many sports. Those running the sport have had to be innovative and creative in order to deliver something; some have managed to do this well, others have struggled. One thing that many

Controlling The Hype

It was a huge boost for Women’s sport in Australia, and sport in general when it was announced last week that the FIFA Women’s World Cup will be hosted by Australia and New Zealand in 2023. The withdrawal of first

Away From The Numbers

News from Lausanne last week that the International Hockey Federation had signed a ten-year deal with a company that is going to deliver digital media solutions and a “ground-breaking fan engagement service,” was no doubt music to many hockey fans