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Too Much Sport? Is Quantity More Important than Quality?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” is part of the opening line of Charles Dickens famous novel “A Tale of Two Cities.”

The Qualification Conundrum

Sometimes sport can make you sad. It makes you wonder how something that was intended to be so simple, so pure and so free from politics, greed and corruption has lost its way. The Olympic Games is still the pinnacle

Time For A United Approach

In February 2013, less than a year after the London Olympic Games, hockey found its future as an Olympic Sport in grave danger. Suddenly the sport found itself placed on a shortlist of five sports under consideration to be voted

Has The NPL Derailed Football in WA?

We have all heard stories of gamblers who keep betting $20 sums or more and lose track of how much they have spent. Their spend may be between $200 – $500 before they record a $100 win that they celebrate