Jason McCracken

Is The Pro League Heading in The Right Direction?

It was an interesting week in the world of Field Hockey last week. First of all there was the announcement from the game’s governing body, the International Hockey Federation (FIH) on the punishment to be handed down to Pakistan for

Just Rewards – At Last.

There are few sports where the athletes are as committed as the greatest athletes in the sporting world, but receive such small financial reward, as field hockey players. There are other sports where those looking to climb the rankings, to

The Club v Country Conundrum.

They say if you wait long enough everything changes. It was back in the early 2000’s that a meeting took place between the then coach of the Socceroos Frank Farina and coach of the Kookaburras Barry Dancer to look at

How the Mighty Have Fallen

It was sad to wake up this morning and read the news that Pakistan’s Hockey team had withdrawn from the FIH Pro-League. It was sad, but came as no surprise. Some may ask why it was sad. To this writer

Looking For Answers

In today’s world if you ask too many questions you can find yourself in trouble, as many in authority are loathe to give answers. Yet if you hold a position of trust and authority and you fail to ask questions