
Podcast #7 – The Story Behind London’s Olympic Bid, plus discussion on other key issues in sport.

  Happy to be back with another podcast of Not The Footy Show. Only one guest this week, but for anyone who enjoys the Olympics a great insight into how the London bid was put together and how much work

Troublemaker or Scapegoat?

The reasons that the best coaches are paid good salaries is because they know how to manage the players that they select. The good ones know when to drop, sell or off load at the right time. In modern day

India Must Stop the Coaching Merry-go-round. Next Appointment Crucial.

They say that being the Manager of the England football team is the toughest job in England and being the Australian Cricket Captain the most important job in Australia, if that is the case then the hardest job in India

In the Spirit of Sport

The international Sports boycott of Pakistan has been having a high impact on the country. Several years ago the then Pakistan Hockey coach advised this writer that the sport was in crisis. With no nation prepared to go and play