
Time to Restore the Trust With Transparency

It was in December 2015 that the sporting world woke up to hear that law enforcement authorities had swooped and arrested many of the top officials in FIFA. Charges were laid against 18 individuals from 12 different countries. Those arrested

Ripping Up The Rules.

Imagine your sport without any rules. It would be complete mayhem. Even when kids play their own games they create an imaginary boundary along the edge of their playing area, they have jumpers an equal distance apart for goals, if

Is Outside Help The Answer?

Regrettably for sports fans there are a number of sports locally, nationally and Internationally that face an uncertain future. Sports and clubs that find themselves in dire straits. Some have accepted the predicament that they find themselves in and have

Podcast #79 – The Art of Skateboarding, How to Shine a Cricket Ball in the Future, and Who Is At Fault for Rugby’s demise.

Podcast #79 – The Art of Skateboarding, How to Shine a Cricket Ball in the Future, and Who Is At Fault for Rugby’s demise.

We are finally back together in the studio after the last two shows were done long distance. Interestingly during these times when there has been no sport there have been more podcasts cropping up, so we thank those regular listeners

Something’s Gotta Give

One thing that hopefully Australia has learned during this period in history is that too many tiers of Governance leads to confusion. We have had our Federal Government make an announcement, but then the State Governments have made their own