
Save The Shoot Out?

When it comes to sport the rest of the world knows that America stands alone. They have named their national champions, World Champions and frequently make adaptions to the rules by which the rest of the world competes. In the

A Major Hick-Up

Football, and many other sports clubs at all levels have always been about communities. Many historically represent a community. In Europe they have represented a town or a city, whereas in Australia many were built up by migrant communities and

Banned Camp.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

There used to be a saying that sport reflected life. That often it was unfair. Of course this was in the main referring to sporting competition, and how some days decisions go your way, and others they do not. Some

I don’t Wanna Talk About It

Anyone who follows sport knows that to be competitive today it is vital that you have a good support team around you. They also know that those supporting the individual athlete and team must be pulling in the same direction

NTFS#132 – The Return of the Hockey India League, Should T20 be Downgraded in Terms of International Status, and Will Brisbane Be Ready in 2032.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

In the past week the world of Hockey has been focussed on India and the rebirth of the Hockey India League. It is a challenge to launch such a league, but to resurrect a competition comes with a whole set