football australia

NTFS#125 – Fair Game, Trying to Save Football From Itself, the Sponsorship of National Teams, Plus So Much More…

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Happy New Year! . Welcome to our 549th show in our 19th year thank you to all those who have stuck with us on this journey. If you care about football this is one interview you do not want to

The Show Must Go On

Any sports fan will tell you that they never want to see a player get injured, least of all one of the best players. Last week news broke that Australia’s women’s football captain Sam Kerr had injured her anterior cruciate

Soccer Boos Ad Campaign.

In most countries across the globe the national team is simply known as the name of the country that they are representing. That is first and foremost what they are referred to and known as. There are a few that

Parents – Do Your Homework

Caveat emptor is a phrase that many would know, if not in latin but in english, it translates to buyer beware. Meaning that the onus is on the buyer to research the quality of products and services they are purchasing.