FIH Pro League

The Charlesworth Classic Conundrum

When it comes to great Western Australian sports people there will always be debate as to who ranks where. There are currently six Western Australians in the Sport Australia Hall of Legends, Margaret Court, Herb Elliott, Dennis Lillee, Walter Lindrum,

Being Democratic Is the Right Thing.

Where has the democracy gone in sport? Why is it so hard to do what is right? The sporting environment has had alarm bells ringing loudly in some sports for over a decade. Why have they been ignored? Is it

To Broadcast Or Not, That Is The Question

In this current day and age, it appears that every sport wants a slice of the money available from television. Yet how many truly warrant receiving money from the television stations for airing their particular sport? Does their sport bring

Too Much International Sport?

Playing for your country is the pinnacle in most sports. It is an honour and a privilege, and something that once achieved can never be take away. In some countries it is still a treasured moment every time a player

Public Opinion – It Cuts Both Ways.

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” These words were uttered by French sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard, who passed away in 2007. He was respected globally for