English FA

The Sponsorship Gamble.

Going back over 100 years there have been people in sport who have believed that they are above the laws of the game and have flagrantly ignored what many refer to as the ‘spirit of the game.’ With so much

Crossing The Line – Politics and Sport

“It used to be all about winning,” those were the words uttered by a top athlete from the United States about sport in his era, the 1980’s. “Now it’s about entertainment,” he added with a tone of regret. Few would

A Cry For Help, For ‘My Club’ and More Like It

The County Ground and Swindon Town may not hold happy memories for the mercurial genius Eric Cantona. The reason being that on the 22ndMarch 1994 the EPL Champions Manchester United came to Wiltshire, and were expected to stroll to three

Podcast #93 – Do The Matildas Fans Need to Worry, Are Board Members Bullet-proof, And Will The Super League Re-Surface But Possibly Not In Europe?

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Another podcast and some interesting topics under discussion. Our special guest is former Matilda turned football pundit Alicia Ferguson who looks at the recent disappointing results for the Matildas against Germany and the Netherlands and says that there is no

Inspirational Athletes – 20

We have all heard of the expression behind every successful man is a strong woman, but frequently the comment is said in jest, even when it is true. There are many sports where the women were actually ahead of the