
Global Rugby, A Game For All?

Sport used to be about competition. It was based around a tough contest when the whistle, siren or gun sounded and the forming of friendships once the contest was over.  This was the case not only at the highest level

Inequality on Many Levels

Most women would know the names of the suffragettes who fought hard votes for women, the likes of Emmeline Pankhurst and Emily Davison who threw herself in front of the King’s horse during the 1913 Epsom Derby and died for

Is Local Best For National Teams When Appointing Coaches?

Appointing a foreign coach to be in charge of a nation’s international team in today’s sporting world is a common occurrence. To many the appointment is seen a recipe for success, however such a move can in fact be fraught

Vale Gordon Banks – The Greatest Goalkeeper

On the 22nd of October 1972 when I heard the news that my hero, someone I had saved up my pocket money to buy a poster of from Don Rogers sports shop in Swindon had been in a car crash

Coming Full Circle

They say that Fashion comes around again if you wait long enough. Does the same apply to sport? Well it would appear that it does in the world of Hockey. The FIH Pro League is about to commence this weekend.