
Laps Result in Coach Being Sacked

One of the complaints in Australia is that we are over governed. The key problem being that successive governments bring in new laws but rarely repeal old ones. Does the same apply in sport? Hopefully we are not as bad

Experience Counts when Coaching

Everyone wants to be a coach. If that wasn’t the case fantasy football and Playstation games would not be as successful as they have been. Ask anyone who has been a coach, as rewarding as it can be when things

Administrators on the Move

There are many former athletes and coaches who will tell you how limited the opportunities are in sport when that phase of your career comes to an end. In fact Cricket writer David Frith explored this very issue in his

Success Should Not Come Down to Medals Alone

“Win or die” was the wording of a telegram allegedly sent by Italy’s fascist dictator Benito Mussolini to coach of the Italian football team, Vittorio Pozzo, before the 1938 World Cup final. The document never survived and some players have

Power the Most Corruptive Drug in Sport

Is it time for change in World Sport? The Olympic Games, although only a few days old have already shown how horribly out of touch some of those governing sport are with the fans of the sports they represent, as