
Parting Words…

Today’s sportsmen and women like entertainers do not always have the opportunity to sign off their careers in the way they would like. Maybe that is a downsides of the careers they choose. Maybe when it comes to sports stars

Living An Olympic Nightmare

How many of us have at some time been accused of something that we haven’t done? Depending on what we have been accused off the wound of that accusation can cut deeply. Imagine if you had to live with that

No More Heroes Any More

They say that the heroes you have from the time you are 13 years old are the heroes that stay with you the rest of your life. Hopefully you have paused and thought about that for a second, and contemplated

More Questions Than Answers

“Leaders are not born. … They are made” is a theory that many will attest to. There are some who take the opposite approach, and believe that “leaders are born and cannot be made.” It was famed American Football Coach

Sport For All? The Equality Conunudrum

What is equality? Is there really a place for it in sport? The Oxford English Dictionary explains equality as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.” Now that is easy to understand. Move on to the