Grounds For Concern

Football in Australia has for decades had a history of shooting itself in the foot. The Crawford Report was supposed to change all of that, but unfortunately the more things change the more they stay the same. Why is this?

One Last Chance?

Looking back 2019 was not the best time to launch a new competition, for as we all know by March 2020 the World Health Organisation declared the Covid outbreak a Pandemic. Internationally in the sport of Hockey the FIH Pro

World Cup Qualification Money Must Be Invested In The Next Generation

No doubt there was a collective sigh of relief amongst the staff of Football Australia following Andrew Redmayne’s save in the penalty shoot-out against Peru that saw Australia qualify for its fifth consecutive World Cup. Congratulations must be extended to

Money Talks. Does That Explain The Silence?

As most great leaders know there is a time to be heard and a time to be silent. This is what makes them great, being able to differentiate between the two. If you misjudge those moments it can result in

A Time For Big Decisions

Following the judgement handed down in the High Court of Delhi last week one would have expected a statement to have been made by the International Hockey Federation in relation to the findings and their President. This has nothing to