Fans Continue to Stay Away

They say that fans talk with their feet and if that is the case Perth Glory Fans are currently screaming at the top of their voice, yet no one seems to be listening. After the debacle that was last season,

Back Seat Driver

Following the appointment of a new CEO at Perth Glory, owner Tony Sage announced that he would be taking a back seat in the coming season, but like a moth to a flame the lure of the media spotlight has

Quitting While Ahead?

They say that timing in sport is everything. This could also be true of sports administration. Last week former CEO of Australian Rugby and Football John O’Neill was inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame. Sport Australia Hall of

“The Rest” Don’t Understand

Perth Glory’s tag line for the 2015/16 A League season is “The West v the Rest.” Questionable as to why a sporting club would need such a thing, but understandable that Perth Glory would try and create such a siege

Is Membership the Key Issue?

There is no doubt Perth Glory needed Peter Filopoulos, even if they did not want him. The Club desperately needed a CEO who came from outside of the owner’s close circle of business acquaintances. After the debacle of last season,