
Who Is Really To Blame?

The English sports media are like a used car salesman. Before every major sporting event they will talk up their team or their athletes and tell everyone who wants to listen how they are going to win, that there is

Inspirational Athletes – 24

When it comes to the question of who was the first Aboriginal to play cricket for Australia the answer is often carefully phrased. Many will say the first known Aboriginal to play for Australia was Jason Gillespie. The reason being

Follow the Rules or Follow Your Conscience?

Oh for the days when sport was simple. Two teams, or a group of athletes meeting to challenge each other, to see who was the best on the day, return home only to repeat the challenge a week later. Amongst

Centre of Gravity

After seven years of campaigning Football in Western Australia had a reason to smile yesterday when the State government announced that it would stump up half of the $32.5million to create a State Football Centre. Needless to say many within

Declined – Insufficient Funds

How many sports in Australia are self supporting? That is a question every sports fan or participant should be asking, and whether their sport is self supporting. The terrifying answer is that very few are , in other words they