
Ready Steady Tokyo! (Part 5)

Tokyo Olympics Podcast Image

The Games come to an end tomorrow and I head home. They have been an Olympic Games like no other. Hopefully we will never seen another Games like these in Tokyo, where the fans are locked out. Looking back there

Voting Rights or Wrongs?

On the 18th of May 1860 the United States Republicans voted after a third ballot for Abraham Lincoln to be their Presidential candidate; he would go on to become the United States 16thPresident.  The favourite in the Republican election for

Podcast #94 – The Man Who Would Be President Of The FIH, Marc Coudron, and The Olympic Dilemma, Should Athletes Stay or Should They Go?

Not the Footy Show Podcast

This show sees the interviewee take centre stage as we talk at length to former Belgian Hockey International Marc Coudron who has decided to run for the Presidency of the International Hockey Federation on May 22nd. Mr Coudron is one

The End Of A Marriage For Many Fans

It has been said that there is no greater love that that of a mother for her children. Football fans will tell you that if that is the case the love of their clubs comes a close second. That love

Time To Let Go?

Most of us have at some point in our lives been in a situation where we have had to let go. It may have been a sick pet, a bad job, or a partner. It can at times be heart-wrenching,