
Stop the Farce

How many clubs would give a trial to 32 year old who had never played that sport as a professional even semi-professional level? Everything surrounding Usain Bolt’s trial with the Central Coast Mariners is wrong for sport and wrong for

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

The Olympic motto has always been Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for ” Faster, Higher, Stronger,” but is the latin word Maior about to be added? Maior which means “Bigger.” The FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympic Games

Not a Hat-Trick to Be Proud Of

In Baseball you have three strikes and you are out. In the modern-day workplace if you receive two warnings, a third indiscretion sees you shown the door. It would appear that in society, and in sport, the feeling is if

Why Must Athletes Be Seen, But Not Heard?

How many Politicians have used sport to try and win favour with voters? Those who remember the Sydney Olympics will recall how then Prime Minister John Howard was like and Australian version of “Where’s Wally.” Except rather than wearing a

Are The Best Payers Replacing the Best Players?

Which countries have the biggest sporting influence on Australia? This is a very hard question to answer, at the turn of the last century the influence came very much from the United Kingdom. Despite denial from many, some sporting historians