
Are The Players Totally to Blame?

There is more money in sport today, and athletes play more games, and as a result many records from the past tumble on a regular basis. However are these records beaten by players with higher levels of skill or simply

Improvement at Olympics Predicted For Australia

The 2016 Olympic Games are a year away and already predictions are being made as to how various countries will perform. Infostrada sports  a data analytics company, has already predicted the usual post Olympic host hangover for Great Britain. One year

Statistics What do They Really Mean?

The Ashes is all about rivalry, but the article by Fox Sports Anthony Pinshaw went a little too far in trying to stir up Aussie pride. Yes England were diabolical in the recent Lords Test, but so too was his

India Must Stop the Coaching Merry-go-round. Next Appointment Crucial.

They say that being the Manager of the England football team is the toughest job in England and being the Australian Cricket Captain the most important job in Australia, if that is the case then the hardest job in India