
Time To Let Go?

Most of us have at some point in our lives been in a situation where we have had to let go. It may have been a sick pet, a bad job, or a partner. It can at times be heart-wrenching,

Inspirational Athletes – 25

In everyone’s life there comes a time when you have to stand up for what you believe. Where you have to stand up and be counted. It was Martin Luther King who said “right defended is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Paying A Price For The Past?

There is nothing sadder than witnessing a once great team unravel. The Australian Women’s Hockey team were the cream of the crop for a long time. Denied the opportunity to play at the 1980 Olympic Games the first in which

Podcast #87 – The Love of Goalkeeping, Maradona and Do You Have To Be A Certain Height To Be An Elite Athlete?

Not the Footy Show Podcast

We are back with another show and as usual some interesting topics under discussion. Our guest on this show is former international water polo goalkeeper Tomaz Lasic who has just published his first book, “The Love of Goalkeeping.” The book

Space Invaders – Time to Go Back in Time

Watching the Wallabies play Argentina’s Los Pumas at the weekend made me realise that I had a privileged childhood. I was fortunate to grow up in the 1970’s and 1980’s. A time when rugby had every right to claim to