
Penalties – Who is Really Being Penalised?

When it comes to sport a penalty is invariably a decision that goes against a defending team. The aim is to penalise them, and give an advantage to the attacking team. In football a penalty often results in a goal.

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In most countries across the globe the national team is simply known as the name of the country that they are representing. That is first and foremost what they are referred to and known as. There are a few that

Have Video Officials Killed Our Belief in Sport?

Claims by former Netherlands football coach Louis van Gaal that last year’s FIFA football World Cup in Qatar was rigged in order to allow one of the game’s greats Lionel Messi to win a World Cup have caused quite a

Do These Nations Have a Point, or Points?

On the 6th of June the Executive Board of the International Hockey federation met in Lausanne and a number of key decisions were made regarding the future of the sport. One decision was that world rankings would be introduced for

Is Success not Being Predictable?

How does one measure the success of a sport in the modern era? The answer invariably is it depends upon who you talk to. Is it based on the attendance figures at live games? Is it based on the viewing