
Two to Go In Super Rugby?

Sometimes bigger is not better. Super Rugby has found that out the hard way. Instead of learning the lessons from the competitions in Europe, who soon realised when the game went professional that too much rugby was harmful to the

Games Without Frontiers

Over the years we have seen Politicians use Sport to gain popularity, but sport is not linked to political persuasions, and is rarely played on religious grounds. Sport is something that has the power to unite and have people put

Patience, and Faith in Youth Can Deliver a Dream

Patience is a real virtue in modern-day sport, but sadly very few club owners, administrators or even national associations seem to possess this virtue. In 2005 the Junior Hockey World Cup was played in Rotterdam. In the final Argentina defeated

Something’s Missing

It was Manchester United’s controversial Irishman Roy Keane who once said “Away from home our fans are fantastic, I’d call them the hardcore fans. But at home they have a few drinks and probably the prawn sandwiches, and they don’t

Kate Richardson-Walsh The Key to GB Gold

How many people would have predicted a Belgium v Argentina final in the Olympic Men’s Hockey tournament in Rio? How many people would have predicted Argentina to win gold? Congratulations to Argentina and their coach Carlos Retegui on what has