
Be With the Force!

The Road Safety Western Force return to NIB stadium this weekend after a good win on the road against the Jaguares in Argentina, and it is vital if you want the Super Rugby franchise to remain in Western Australia that

Management on The Run?

Southern hemisphere rugby is in dire straits, of that there can be no doubt. The decision by the power brokers to expand the Super Rugby competition has proven to have been misguided and one based on ego and greed, and

A Loss Of Faith in the Game they Play in Heaven

We all make bad decisions, sometimes they become clear quickly, and on other occasions the wisdom of the decision takes a little longer to become apparent. SANZAAR made a bad decision to expand Super Rugby from a fifteen team competition

Why The Force Should Stay in Super Rugby.

Yesterday SANZAAR announced what had been the worst kept secret in Southern hemisphere rugby, that Super Rugby was going to return to a 15 team format in 2018. It was revealed that even though Japan does not play in the

Merging Rather Than Axing May Be The Key In Australian Super Rugby

It was we believe the Daily Telegraph that broke the news first that the Western Force were to be the Australian Super Rugby team axed when the competition gets trimmed back to fifteen. The opening line of their article read