Women’s Sport Coming to the Fore

There is a saying behind every successful man there is a woman pushing hard. This may soon be changed to behind every successful sport there are women pushing hard. As in Australia it would appear that women are very much

Take Your Seats

There were many fans of sports played on a rectangular pitch who were sceptical about how well the state-of-the art Perth Stadium would cater for their needs. (NTFS being one). It appears that their concerns may well have some validation.

No Sympathy

For many years the AFL has been striving for Global recognition as a sport. Yet despite the in-roads it made in South Africa and the UK it continued to remain parochial in terms of the way the sport was run.

Family Feud

David Gallop doesn’t get it, neither do many other at the FFA. It comes down to respect and understanding, and for the past ten years there has been a lack of that as under Frank Lowy’s stewardship the FFA have

Parochialism Shows A Lack of Respect

It may come as a surprise to some, but probably not as many as some would imagine, but there are many who could not give a flying fig about a certain sporting derby being held in Perth this weekend. Certainly