Down And Out In Paris… Not Now.

When times are tough in the world of politics the rule of thumb is to create a diversion. Put a new topic in the spotlight to take people’s minds off the really contentious issue. If ever an organisation was a

Is It Time To Re-Model the A-League?

When the A-League was created the newly formed Football Federation of Australia went away from many of the recommendations of the Crawford Report. Fifteen years on and with a great deal of hindsight it would appear that some of those

Has The NPL Derailed Football in WA?

We have all heard stories of gamblers who keep betting $20 sums or more and lose track of how much they have spent. Their spend may be between $200 – $500 before they record a $100 win that they celebrate

Women Seeking Equality

It was back in 1999 that the ABC’s Media watch program broke the ‘Cash for Comments’ story. In it they revealed that high profile radio personalities had been paid for making favourable comments on air about certain major businesses. There

The Glory’s Best Imports?

Perth Glory hosted the 20th edition of their end of season awards, the Most Glorious Player awards at the weekend, but with the Media Manager having left last week did not manage to organise a press release to go out