Inequality on Many Levels

Most women would know the names of the suffragettes who fought hard votes for women, the likes of Emmeline Pankhurst and Emily Davison who threw herself in front of the King’s horse during the 1913 Epsom Derby and died for

A League of Its Own

Australians are proud sports fans. They love their team to win and they love to boast that despite the small population the country can punch above its weight internationally. Many fans are also extremely knowledgeable whole others have a passing

Just When I Needed You Most

The Hockey Pro-League which is due to be launched in January 2019 is a competition that many believe will revolutionise international Hockey. As with any major changes in life there are those who are in favour of this new competition

Cricket’s One Big Test

A common trend in today’s world is for companies to bring in “specialists” to give them advice as to how they can do things better. Sporting organisations are no different. Just as coaches and athletes will look at new training

The Cup Does Not Overflow

They say it is a dog eat dog world, and never has that been truer than in the world of sport. Players, agents, coaches and clubs all fighting for the limelight and the best deal that they can get for