Another podcast and some interesting topics under discussion.
Our special guest is former Matilda turned football pundit Alicia Ferguson who looks at the recent disappointing results for the Matildas against Germany and the Netherlands and says that there is no need to panic. She discusses how the team has evolved and how she has no regrets that she is not a part of the team today, and encourages former female sportswomen to consider the transition from player to working not necessarily in front of the females but in television production.
In our topics under discussion Ashley looks at the role of a board and asks whether the Hockey Australia Board are following the recommendations of the recent review and are being accountable and transparent. Are they in touch with the mood of those involved in the game outside of the elite program?
John on the other hand has several bees in his bonnet on this show, and is happy to vent his feelings. Top of his agenda is the use of the term, “pool of death,” which has been trotted out in relation to the Matildas pool at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. Are you becoming tired of the expression?
He then turns his attention to the Super League and compares it to World Series Cricket back in the 70’s. That went ahead despite strong protests from politicians and cricket fans and he believes that the same will happen with the Super League, maybe not now but in the future. As discussed the motivations in each case are very different, as Ashley states the root of the problem goes back to the 1980’s. (The End Of A Marriage For Many Fans). The league may not be wanted in Europe, but could it find a home in the USA?
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