Was it really the pitch?
After England’s humiliating defeat at the hands of India in the third Test Match, and subsequently the fourth, there were many complaining about the standard of the wicket in Ahmedabad, but was it all to do with the pitch and was it bad for Test Cricket? Could it have actually have been the best thing for Test Cricket in a long time? IN this episode we catch up with former Australian spin bowler Brad Hogg, who has played din India and not surprisingly is a man who believes it is great to see spin bowlers bowling teams out. Certainly deficiencies as a result of the shorter forms of the game contributed to England’s demise.
In our topics under discussion Ashley and John look at coaching courses. Are they really for the betterment of the sport or are they just a revenue stream? With those who attend the first level coaching course in their chosen sport all passing one wonders if it truly is about quality? If the motive was truly about improving the level of coaching then this first tier should be free and the who are not up to scratch should not be issued with a certificate? Then we meander into the restrictions placed on coaches being forced to follow the same methodology.
Following the Brad Hogg interview we look at whether in limited overs cricket a batsman would be restricted as to how many overs they are allowed to bowl? Should batsman be forced to retire at 50? Was England’s rotation policy a problem?
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