There are any number of “Days” created across a number of sports dedicated to try and raise awareness of social issues. Yet are they working?
In this show, after having many organisations whose role is to help integration or to educate in this space opting not to discuss racism in sport we are pleased to welcome South African journalist Simnikiwe Xabanisa who has written many articles on this very topic. South Africa’s emergence from the Apartheid regime is a good place to start as it has raised many issues that exist outside of South Africa but are not being addressed. He talks candidly and asks some pertinent questions on the issue. Unfortunately we only scratch the surface in this interview but hopefully it leads people to question, and to some clubs looking at how many people they have playing for them from different backgrounds. Are they truly diverse? Are they really equal in terms of the opportunities afforded to their members? We have seen that sport has the ability to unite, but do we see that unity as much as we should? Hopefully the points raised will make some think a little bit harder on this issue and realise that actions are what are important, not tokenism that leads to additional funding.
In this how we really only have one topic under discussion as following the interview we review some of the points raised. John raises the issue of sport becoming a job, rather than remaining as it was recreational. That being the case do the same rules that apply in the general workforce exist in the sporting world? Is there a duty of care amongst the employers and do they live up to it? The conversation then meanders onto inductions into Halls of Fame and whether those athletes selected should be chosen purely on sporting merit rather than for any failings away from their sport. This leads Ashley into questioning the choice of winner in this year’s Herb Elliott Medal at the Western Australian Hall of Champions dinner.
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