Podcast #61 – Paralympic Football, “The Pool of Death” and Optus Stadium

This will be our last podcast before Christmas and as the festive season celebrations begin we celebrate the Pararoos qualification for their first World Cup.

Our guest on this show is goalkeeper Chris Barty, whose journey to this moment we have followed on the show since the beginning. It is a credit to him, all the players, coaching staff, volunteers and support staff that they have achieved their goal with no funding. Hopefully they can inspire all Australians to get behind them next year in Spain.

In our topics under discussion, John tests the water to have the term “Pool of Death” eliminated from use by the media. While Ashley questions why Cricket Australia are playing the Test match against India at the new Optus Stadium, when we were told that it would only be used when the stadium would be sold out. The situation will now see fans seated in the sun rather than the shade and makes a mockery of the decision to move the game from the WACA, where we would have seen a full house. Are the Government that desperate to have events there? Or are the simply trying to prove that it is a multi-purpose stadium and was not just created for ‘the sport we don’t mention?’

If you have not seen it yet, look out for Ashley’s “The World Cup in 90 seconds” daily updates and also John’s daily World Cup Podcast at The Reverse Stick.

Thank you to all who took the time to give us feedback on the last show and those who continue to support us by listening. May we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2019.

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As always if you have a topic you would like to hear discussed please let us know. Also if you have someone you think we should talk to, again please get in touch.

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Podcast #61 – Paralympic Football, “The Pool of Death” and Optus Stadium
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