Podcast #50 – Matildas Coach Alen Stajcic, Ball Tampering, and Learning From other Sports…

Welcome to our 50th podcast! The perfect show to kick back and listen to over the Easter break.

There is no doubt the Australian Cricket team’s ball tampering in South Africa has been a hot topic, but has this been blown out of all proportion, after all almost every test playing nation does it and admits it. Was it the fact that the Australians admitted that it was pre-planned that has upset so many? Or was it that Australians believe in fair play and simply couldn’t stomach their national team resorting so openly to cheating? Also we question whether the players were hung out to dry.

Our guest on this show is Matildas coach Alen Stajcic who brought his team to Perth for a training camp ahead of the Asian Cup and also played their first international in Western Australia. We talk to Alen about the last four years at the helm and how the Matildas have now become a real part of the Australian psyche. We also look at how the W-League has helped development and the tough task ahead at the Asian Cup.

Following on from our discussion with Alen we ask could the FFA have done better when it came to organising the event that was the match against Thailand? There was no match day program for this historic first match in Perth. Few that were there would have known nay of the Thailand players and it was clear many knew few of the Australians. Why was there no match program? Especially with so many new football fans attending; was this a missed opportunity? Have you ever attended an International match when there was no program? If so we would like to hear from you.

Once again we would like to remind you that all of our podcasts are available on I-Tunes.

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Podcast #50 – Matildas Coach Alen Stajcic, Ball Tampering, and Learning From other Sports…
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2 thoughts on “Podcast #50 – Matildas Coach Alen Stajcic, Ball Tampering, and Learning From other Sports…

  • March 29, 2018 at 8:03 am

    Thanks All White as always for your comment, glad you enjoyed it.

    I have to agree I think Alen is a very good coach and as he says sets high standards for himself, and that then rubs off on his players. Hope he can take the Matildas all the way in Asia and at the World Cup.

  • March 29, 2018 at 8:00 am

    What a great show! One of your best.

    Alen Stajcic sounds a top guy and the sort of bloke as a player you would want to play for. Maybe that is why the Matildas are doing so well. Totally agree with the program issue and how stupid to have a presentation post match especially when the game is being played on a Monday night and people have work the next day.

    Also enjoyed your take on the cricket. Different view to many. Keep up the good work!

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