Podcast #5 – Hockeyroos, Gliders, Socceroos and So Much More…

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Time for another Podcast and once again plenty to discuss. Our guests this edition are Hockeyroo Georgie Parker as she prepares for the AHL and the test series against South Korea. Also joining us is Amber Merritt leading point-scorer in the Women’s National Wheelchair Basketball League. She helped guide an inexperienced Western Stars to a Grand Final and is now focussed on the Australian Gliders qualifying for the Rio Olympics. Apart from discussing these two sports we also discuss the Socceroo’s return to Perth after a ten year break; there is a pattern here if you listen.( Please note this was recorded prior news of Tommy Oar Signing for Ipswich Town). We also talk about the upcoming FFA Board elections and also talk about the restructure of NSW Rugby. We also touch on Athletics position on drugs in their sport.

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Podcast #5 – Hockeyroos, Gliders, Socceroos and So Much More…
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