Podcast #42 – Fee Free Football, Nationalism and Hockey’s Place on Australia’s Sporting Landscape.

It has been a while between Podcast and we apologise but Ashley was in Turkmenistan commentating at the 5th Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games.

The astronomical cost for a young boy or girl to play football has long been a topic of discussion. Many have simply bemoaned the fact, but one club has sat down to try and find a way of making football once more affordable and available to all. Balga Soccer Club is to be congratulated for such a move and introducing “Fee Free Football.” On this podcast we talk to the club’s Gary Shorto to find out how hard it was to set up and how they plan to cover the costs of their junior players at the club.

In our topics under discussion, having recently worked at the South East Asian Games and the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, Ashley looks at Nationalism and whether sport is being used to drive this in an unhealthy manner. He also asks if at sporting events there should be a limit on the number of events in which the outcomes are subjective. Events where the scores and the eventual medal winners come down to the opinions of a number of judges.

Hockey has and always will be a sport close to John’s heart and with the Australian Hockey League having just come to a dramatic conclusion in Perth asks why none of the papers around the countries gave the event any media coverage. This was a competition which saw the cream of our national players participating for their states, men and women ranked in the top five in the World. For more of John’s thoughts on the game tune into his podcast “The Reverse Stick.”

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Podcast #42 – Fee Free Football, Nationalism and Hockey’s Place on Australia’s Sporting Landscape.

3 thoughts on “Podcast #42 – Fee Free Football, Nationalism and Hockey’s Place on Australia’s Sporting Landscape.

  • October 18, 2017 at 11:43 am

    Although I understand the situation, it is a shocking indictment on the one paper in the state. Should maybe drop the word “news” and just call it a paper.

    Does “The West” no longer send anyone to an AFL game, or the Wildcats etcetera, or do they again rely on the clubs to send in copy and photos?

    Has the West communicated this to all of the sporting bodies in the state and nationally, that if they want coverage this is what they have to do? Have they supplied the various media managers with deadlines and the format they require when sending in photos?

    This would help these people as they too have had their staff cut, and have an increased output with the social media and mainstream press.

    With an approach such as this a completely biased report could be submitted and it would appear The West would publish it. Wow!

  • October 18, 2017 at 11:00 am

    re media coverage: Sports need to understand ‘they’ have to implement media programs to get coverage. Media resources at newspapers etc have been cut to the bone – there are no journalists to go out and cover events any more. So be proactive and start supplying copy and images – and talk to the media re this. This is there only way you will get coverage.

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