In today’s world there are few people who will give up their time for nothing. That is what makes our guest on this show so special.
Heidi Scheunemann originally comes from Germany but moved to Papua, Indonesia with her husband and there she set up a football academy that was free to the local women who wanted to play. In time she developed players who went on to represent their nation in International competition. So successful was the program in which she not only developed footballers but women as individuals that she was invited to help set up a similar program in football loving Goa, India. She paid her own way and is not being paid for her time while in India, and already the program is taking huge strides forward.
Here is one story of the work being done in Goa.
As you will hear the program needs financial support and any interested parties can contact Not The Footy Show who will pass on Heidi’s details, or you can contact the program through Instagram at Karuna Football Foundation, Compassion FC or Heidi Scheunemann.
Sporting bodies foisting their political views on their players has been in the news of late and in our topics under discussion John asks the pertinent question how many political statements made by athletes over the years have resulted in change? So why now that the powers that be are pushing the agenda, does that mean that now we will see change?
As the interview with Heidi is longer than usual Ashley briefly looks at the promotional problem facing sports and their television partners. With sport now being spread across so many channels whose responsibility is it to market the sport to the potential viewers and fans, and advise them where they can watch? Are the sports or the television stations own social media channels enough? Is this why viewing figures on some events are currently well below the stations expectations?
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I know Heidi Scheunemann, and I know what strong and likeable personalty she is – congratulation!