Welcome to our 100th Podcast and our 524th show. For those who have only just discovered Not The Footy Show we were a weekly radio show for nine and a half years and when the station closed continued as a podcast. We have been producing content now since 2005.
As our subscriptions have continued to grow that has given us the motivation to keep going, and we hope that you enjoy the show.
In this show we welcome back a guest who is a Sports Brand Consultant, David Mitchell, as we try to understand the move to refer to all of the football competitions at elite level in Australia as the “A-Leagues.” Gone are the W-League and the National Youth League as they become part of the “A-Leagues.” David Mitchell explains the thought behind this process and why it may be a better idea than it first appeared to some – Ashley! He also looks at other Branding decisions made in sports in recent times and explains why these decisions may have been made, and what the possible benefits could be.
In our topics under discussion John looks at the problems that appear to be facing women’s sport at the moment in terms of predatory behaviour in a sexual sense and bullying. While your hosts do not have any answers to the problem, they try to understand why this is suddenly coming to the fore and how it has to be taken seriously. We would also like to acknowledge once again the bravery of those who have come forward and spoken up on this matter in a number of sports.
In his topic under discussion, Ashley looks at funding and asks whether a system similar to that used in the college system in the USA known as Title IX should be adopted in sport in Australia. This suggestion is related to Government funding and is tabled to try and ensure that this money reaches the sector for which it was intended, and also to ensure that there is equal investment in men’s and women’s sport.
Once again if you don’t want to miss a post or a podcast you can subscribe to Not The Footy Show on our home page. All you need do is insert your email address and then you will receive an email update whenever a new post or podcast is posted. Rest assured we will not pass on your information! Also please feel free to share your thoughts and the Podcast.
Remember you can email us with suggestions for topics to be discussed. If there is a topic or a guest that you would like us to feature, please contact us.
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