Is It Time To Re-Model the A-League?

When the A-League was created the newly formed Football Federation of Australia went away from many of the recommendations of the Crawford Report. Fifteen years on and with a great deal of hindsight it would appear that some of those

Podcast #81- From Sudan to the NBL One Man’s Journey, Will Local Clubs Come To The Fore Post Covid -19, and Should The Professional Leagues Have Continued?

Not the Footy Show Podcast

We are fortunate to have some local sport taking place again, but that in itself has raised issues. In this show our special guest is a young basket-baller with an interesting tale to tell. Sunday Dech came to Australia with

A Day That Should Be Remembered

There are some anniversaries that sporting teams like to let pass with little or no fanfare, and understandably so. One such anniversary passed just over a week ago and while there was little in the British press there was understandably

On The Surface

When he was elected President of the International Hockey Federation in Dubai in November 2016 Dr Narinder Batra stated in his presentation prior to voting, “I would like to take Hockey across the globe, extend the boundaries.” He went on

Inspirational Athletes -16

Sport is littered with athletes who have defied the odds, and many have written accounts of their lives, and some have had them made into movies. This Inspirational athlete has done all three. Robert Bleier was born in Appleton, Wisconsin