Age Did Not Weary Them. – A Special Olympic Feat.

When we think of the Olympic Games we think of young fit and strong athletes. Those in the prime of their life and specimens of physical beauty. It was Abraham Lincoln who famously said “In the end, it’s not the

Not A Country For Old Men?

“You can tell that the Olympics are coming up because Hockey is in the news,” was a comment made by a friend in the past month in Australia. Sadly their words were correct, as every four years on the eve

The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

My introduction to the game of cricket was through my dad. He played the game for the local village, Purton in Wiltshire, – the oldest club in the county – and like many families we would go and watch him

Youths Embody All That Is Good

There will always be those who oppose the sport of boxing, and in today’s world that is more understandable. There has been opposition to the sport for decades. Yet had any of those opposing the sport attended the Australian Schools

Penalties – Who is Really Being Penalised?

When it comes to sport a penalty is invariably a decision that goes against a defending team. The aim is to penalise them, and give an advantage to the attacking team. In football a penalty often results in a goal.