The End Of A Marriage For Many Fans

It has been said that there is no greater love that that of a mother for her children. Football fans will tell you that if that is the case the love of their clubs comes a close second. That love

Inspirational Athletes – 28

Theodora Ann “Tidye” Pickett was born in Chicago on 3rd of November 1914, her mother Sarah was a factory clerk and her father Louis was a foundry foreman. She was never known as Theodora, always as Tidye. She had an

No More Heroes Any More

They say that the heroes you have from the time you are 13 years old are the heroes that stay with you the rest of your life. Hopefully you have paused and thought about that for a second, and contemplated

Should the Hockey Sisters Be Doin’ It For Themselves?

At the start of last week it came as no surprise to any involved in Hockey in Australia that dual Olympic Gold medallist Katrina Powell was appointed coach of the Hockeyroos until the end of the Tokyo Olympic Games. It

The Decline of The Sports Report

The newspaper industry was without doubt one of the slowest to react to the dawn of the digital age. While some have now caught up and have a business model that not only works and is bringing in money, many