NTFS#131- The Challenges of Running an Olympic Program, How Quickly Do We Move On Once The Games Are Over, and How Do Sports Combat The Poaching Of Players?

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Thank you to everyone who tuned into the last show which was one of our most listened to Podcasts, and hopefully has changed the way you approach life or even coaching. If you enjoyed that podcast we are confident that

The Coach or the Director?

There are many who question the evolution over the past 20-25 years of the Sporting Director, Technical Director or High Performance Director in sport. Do all levels of sport need such an individual? Which organisations and programs does such a

Sounds of Silence

Every one makes mistakes, and in business things will always go wrong. There is an old saying that the difference between a good business and an average one is how quickly you address the things that go wrong. So, if

No “i” in Team, But There Is In Olympics

When it comes to the Olympic Games the International Olympic Committee is very specific as to what it views as a team event. Their definition of a team sport is as follows:• In team sports, the entire game or match

NTFS#130 – Unthink – Born out of Sport But Changing The Way Business Works, Looking Back at Paris, and Anti-Siphoning.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

First of all apologies for the time between podcasts but a family bereavement too priority. So this show is slightly longer than normal. We are sure that you will find that it was well worth the wait as we have