Who Really Ate all The Pies?

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service has just completed a survey of 25,000 football fans from around England. The questions related to fitness, eating and alcohol consumption. At the end of the survey they compiled a league table of the

Try, Try and Try again… and Again!

There is an old saying, If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again. But this referee was not happy with the success of either team and made them keep trying!

Charity Begins at Home

The phrase ‘Charity begins at home’ means according to the Oxford English dictionary that ‘one’s own family (or country, etc.) comes before any other responsibilities.’ It is a phrase that the Perth Glory would do well to remember at this

Here We Go Again

With the old NSL on its last legs and as Editor of “The Fat” we conducted a survey of all the NSL Coaches as to who they regarded as the Champions, the Grand Final Winner or the team that ended

Whose Got a Ticket to Ride?

News of a knockout cup competition for Football has stirred up the debate once again as to who the rightful champions in Australia are. The suggestion has been made that whoever wins this new knockout cup competition be given a