Money Talks. Does That Explain The Silence?

As most great leaders know there is a time to be heard and a time to be silent. This is what makes them great, being able to differentiate between the two. If you misjudge those moments it can result in

Podcast #107 – Employment In Sport, Making Sure You Check The Facts. If Sport Is A Business Is It Time The Same Rules and Principles Applied? 

Not the Footy Show Podcast

As a coach or a sports administrator you are often damned if you do and damned if you don’t. In this podcast we look closely at the employment arena as it is today. There are many who are embellishing their

Walking Away

Many dream of playing sport at the highest level, but few achieve those dreams. Many dream of being paid to play the sport they love and having people pay to watch them play, but once again the statistics of achieving

A Time For Big Decisions

Following the judgement handed down in the High Court of Delhi last week one would have expected a statement to have been made by the International Hockey Federation in relation to the findings and their President. This has nothing to

Why Governance Is So Important

Businesses and sports have constitutions and articles of association not only to protect themselves, but also to protect those in their employ and as well as their board members. Once these are tampered with to suit the agendas of certain