Super Rugby to Shun South Africa?

Where to for Super Rugby? It comes as no great surprise that SANZAR officials are struggling to agree on the best format for a new Super Rugby competition. Some will ask why does the tournament need to re-invent itself once

A League Of Its Own?

Finals are part of Australian sporting culture, that is clear and understood. However one has to be concerned when finals start to reward mediocrity. No doubt the observations we are about to make will see us accused of being negative

London’s Loss Could Be Beijing’s Gain

A fortnight ago we told of how FIFA had put the USA on standby to host the 2022 World Cup should Qatar end up losing hosting rights, and now the word is that the IOC have London on speed dial

See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil.

Fox Sports and the FFA have made their bravest move yet, having announced today that the referees will be “miked-up” during this years A League finals series. Viewers will be able to listen to the referees outlining decisions to the

A Fond Farewell to Four

There were four senior players in the A-League who played their last league matches at the weekend. Four very different individuals, at four different clubs, all with very different career paths behind them. Interestingly their departures were also incredibly different.