ICC to Review Reviews

It used to be that cricket was a Gentleman’s game. A sport where players did the right thing, and if they didn’t they were a bit of a cad. Even if the likes of the great WG Grace tried to

Jets Lead The Way Into Battle

Football loves to call itself “The World Game” and also the “People’s game.” In Australia, it would appear as much as these terms are bandied about no one really means them. Ethnic names linking clubs or communities to their past

In De Nile?

There is no doubt that in Boxing circles the king of promoters, Don King has definitely lost his lustre in recent times. The man who dominated the boxing world through the 1970’s and 1980’s and as a promoter believed in

Acknowledging an American Influence

While there have been many eyebrows raised across the Atlantic Ocean as to the relevance of a major sporting event that does not have the United States of America taking part, as well as a very dismissive attitude towards the

Hollingsworth for the High Jump!

One has to ask what was going through Australian Athletics Coach Eric Hollingsworth’s mind when he made the public statement criticising hurdler Sally Pearson? A decision that has now seen him suspended by Athletics Australia without pay until such time