No Issues Coming Out For Gay Athletes

The recent reaction to Ian Thorpe’s “Coming Out,” raised and continued to raise some interesting questions about gay athletes and their acceptance in the world in which they make a living. Hot on the heels of the Commonwealth Games, the

For Those Who Say, ‘No Way.’

With much of the Commonwealth Games coverage in Australia being focussed purely on Australian athletes and teams one amazing story – no doubt there were many more – slipped past us, and that was the story of England marathon runner

Openly Throwing Down The Gauntlet

Rule are rules and everyone should know them before they compete. On an equal note the rules should never be changed mid-competition. A situation has arisen in the Champion’s League, and Celtic now find themselves caught up in an unfortunate

Standing Up For Your Team

There is a whole generation of football fans who have grown up not knowing what it is like to stand and watch a football match. There are many who believe that they are fortunate. To others that was the real

Grass Maybe Greener, But Is It Grass?

Often the best way to implement change is with events that have little media attention. If no one says anything then slowly those changes can spread further into a sport and gain momentum to be introduced at the highest level.