Not Playing Ball

London rivalry has taken on a whole new meaning as a row between West Ham United and Tottenham Hotspur seems to be hotting up. West Ham recently negotiated a 99 year lease starting in the 2016-17 English football season to

A Good or a Bad Time to Return?

What motivates an athlete in todays sporting world? Is it money? To earn enough that he will be set up for life? Is it success in the sport that they play? To play at the highest level possible and pit

Erasing History

As a sports administrator sometimes it is best to say nothing at all and take the criticism for your silence, as often you will spend the next week explaining the comment or stance that you took, as appears to be

Support the Memory to A Champion

Two weeks ago we featured boxing fan Gary Luscombe on the show talking about the Johnny Famechon Statue Project, and it was pleasing to hear that following that interview Western Australian’s contacted Gary to support the project. As Gary mentioned

Sore Loser Highlights a Bigger Issue

The judging of boxing contests has always been clouded in controversy, and over the years there have been many bouts at the Olympics that have defied belief. One that stands out is from the 1984 Los Angeles Games where an