Looking Outside the Circle

The English FA Chief Executive Alex Home is departing his job after five years in the chair in January. He is believed to have done a reasonable job, in a role that is seen somewhat as a poisoned chalice; ask

Transparency is Clearly The Way of the Future.

Two weeks ago Michael Garcia the author of FIFA’s report into corruption allegations concerning the hosting rights for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups spoke out at the ABA Criminal Justice Section International White Collar Crime Institute Conference about FIFA’s

A Token Gesture?

Was Perth a last minute thought? Or are the administrators simply not on the ball. Yesterday “Not the Footy Show” was alerted to the fact that the FFA are holding a Fan Forum meeting at Perth Soccer Club tonight. The

Who Will Pay?

FIFA President Sepp Blatter is about to go head to head with the International Olympic Committee over the timing of the 2022 World Cup, and the fact that it’s mooted dates clash with the 2022 Winter Olympics and certain television

A Scourge on Sport

What is going on in sport today? We have had betting scandals in football and cricket, doping scandals in athletics, AFL, swimming and cycling to name just some of the sports. A week ago in Malaysia a doping scandal erupted