A Bad Start to The Week.

It looks like it is going to be a tough week for the Football Federation of Australia. First they have to try and find out what was discussed by all of the A-League club owners at the meeting in Abu

UAE Meeting Could Change Football in Australia

It has been reported that the Football Federation is well aware that representatives of the all of the A-League clubs have headed to the United Arab Emirates to meet with the City Football Group with a view to forming a

Fanning the Flames Rather Than Extinguishing Them.

There are times when people have to make the right decisions even if there is a cost in the short term. This is when leaders gain respect. This is when people know the boundaries that they must not cross. Leadership

Gravy Train Going Off The Rails

All sports fans know that sport is big business, but suddenly the business of sport is proving to be one of the things that is strangling the life out of many. As the administrators in a number of sports look

On a Wing and a Prayer?

The flamboyant mayor of London, Boris Johnson steps down next year and one of the men vying to take over as Labour’s candidate is former England rugby international Derek Wyatt former MP for Sittingbourne in Kent. Mr Wyatt who played