Build it Properly and They Will Come

It has not been a good Asian Cup for football fans in Western Australia, apart from being completely ignored in terms of participation in the tournament on any level, many fans sat down on Friday evening to watch the opening

MMA Headed For the Olympics?

For all sports that are currently not a part of the Olympic Games becoming an Olympic sport is the ultimate goal, as not only does it frequently come with additional government funding, but it also gives the sport added kudos

Luongo’s Lesson

You’re only as good as your last game, is a term every sportsperson should be aware of. It is crucial to remember as often while wallowing in self satisfaction and the plaudits of others for an outstanding performance you come

Following Boxers’ Lead For Peace

Once again we have witnessed overnight scenes which defy belief. Scenes which confirm that all reason seems to have gone in the world. No longer will people debate issues, no longer will people disagree and yet still respect others. It

Climbing Off The Canvas

They say leaders are born and not made, one thing that is clear in modern day sport is they are certainly not created via tertiary education. It would appear that the World Boxing Council has a leader at the head