Referral System Worth Copying?

Having just returned from the Hockey India League in India where teams were allowed one referral to a video umpire per game, which if they were correct in their assessment of a situation they kept to use again, but lost

Moving the Goalposts, to a New Venue

“Greatness Awaits” is the tag lines for PS4 the sponsors of the National Premier Leagues in Australia, but one has to ask how long fans of the game will have to wait. In Western Australia the whole process switching from

Men Only – No Thanks.

We are not big fans of sports administrators but on this occasion we must applaud the stance taken by the International Olympic Committee who kicked out a proposal from Saudi Arabia that they should be allowed to bid for a

Kenya Looks to Ban Agents In Fight Against Drug Cheats

Drugs are a blight on sport, but with the rewards for success being so high most athletes are prepared to push the boundaries to achieve that fame and wealth. In the 1980’s Chicago-based Bob Goldman, a doctor and founder of

Hockey India League At A Roundabout Rather Than A Crossroads.

The bi-lateral agreement signed yesterday between Hockey Australia and Hockey India is good news for the Hockey India League, as it guarantees Australia’s top players will be free to participate in the competition for the next three years. The league