Penalties Carry a Weight and That May Not be Healthy

The supplementary income of Perth Glory players has been a hot topic in recent weeks. Payments which have been exposed may mean that some players will have to curb their spending and tighten their belts as the additional money they

Celebrating Milestones, But Still Struggling for Recognition

The A-League is celebrating ten years in existence, and is soon to enter those terrible teenage years. It has faced a number of challenges in recent years, clubs withdrawing, owners walking away and this season probably one of its biggest,

Bloody Ec!

There are plenty of people who believe that F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone has lost the plot. That may be taking things a little to far but he certainly hasn’t enhanced his position with female F1 Fans. It has been well

The Gangster Who Hopes to Become a Cowboy

Who has heard of Efe Obada? He is 6ft 6Ins tall and weighs 117kgs and now he has become a Cowboy. His is a remarkable story. He was trafficked by a friend of his mother’s from Amsterdam and abandoned on the

Should Clubs Take More Care?

There has obviously been a great deal made of late about sports stars behaviour once their careers have come to an end. Boorish behaviour, as well as addictions to alcohol or drugs. To many it is hard to comprehend, as